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Sources for Grants, Fellowships, Awards and Scholarships in the Arts

Funding Sources for Seattle Artists | Web Sites


Brunneer, Helen M. and Donald H. Russell, editors
Money to Work II: Funding for Visual Artists

Directory of Grants for the Humanities
Oryx Press, 1997-98

Dunlap, Laurie
Public Art Projects: Help Yourself! How to Use the Neighborhood Matching Fund to Build Community

Foundation Center
National Guide to Funding in Arts and Culture, 1996

Financial Aid for Research and Creative Activities Abroad
Reference Service Press, 1996-98

Foundation Center
Who Gets Grants/Who Gives Grants, 1995

Grant, Daniel
Artists Resource Handbook, 1996

Gullong, Jane M. And Noreen Tomassi, editors
Money for International Exchange in the Arts, 1992

Music, Dance & Theater Scholarships: A Complete Guide
Conway Green, 1995

Music Scholarship Guide
Music Educators National Conference, 1992

National Resource Guide for the Placement of Artists: The Database for Artists Seeking Job Opportunities, Resources and Funding in Any Arts Discipline, 1992

Niemeyer, Suzanne
Money for Performing Artists, 1991

Oxenhorn, Douglas
Money for Film and Video Artists, 1993

Oxenhorn, Douglas
Money for Visual Artists: A Guide to Grants, Awards, Fellowships, 1993

Warshawski, Morrie
Shaking the Money Tree: How To Get Grants and Donations for Film and Video Projects, 1994

Funding Sources for Seattle Artists

Web Sites

Allied Arts Foundations
105 South Main Street. #201
Seattle, Wash. 98104
Grants to individual artists and art organizations. The foundation is primarily interested in innovative projects where small grants could make a difference in the quality or completion of the project. Projects can be in any arts discipline or community arts projects, but must be available to local audiences. Maximum grant is $500.
Funding Cycle: April/September

Artist Trust
1402 Third Avenue, #404
Seattle, Wash. 98104
Provides services and support to individual artists in Washington State.

Unrestricted awards of $5,000 for creative research and development for artists of recognized talent and major artistic achievement. Fellowships funded even years to dance, design, theater and visual arts; odd years to music, media, literature and crafts.
Grants for Artists Projects (GAP)
up to $1,200 for specific artist-initiated projects to develop, continue or complete specific creative projects. All disciplines, media, and the inter-disciplinary projects are eligible. The GAP grants deadline is in February.

Corporate Council for the Arts (CCA)
P.O. Box 2925
Seattle, Wash. 98111-2925
Raises money from businesses, individuals and foundations and provides operating funds in grants to more than 50 King and Pierce county arts organizations. CCA makes no grants to individuals.

Annual Sustaining Grants
Provides operating funds for leading organizations.
Discretionary Grants
Guendolen Carkeek Plestcheeff Fund for Decorative & Design Arts
D.E. "Ned" Skinner Endowment Fund
Classic King-FM Beethoven Fund
The Boeing Company Discretionary Fund
Funding Cycle: Once a year. Inquire to business manager.

King County Arts Commission
1115 Smith Tower, 506 2nd Avenue.
Seattle, Wash. 98104-2311
Offers countywide public art, landmarks and heritage and art support.

Historic Preservation Program
Identifies, designates and protects significant historic properties throughout unincorporated King County and in those cities that have entered into an interlocal agreement with the County.
Special Projects
Supports innovative projects to increase arts and heritage opportunities for the citizens of King County.
Performing Artist and Interdisciplinary Projects
For the creation and presentation of new work in music, dance, theater and interdisciplinary collaborations.
Public Art Program
Develops permanently-sited, portable, or architecturally integrated, or design team public artworks throughout King County. Funded by 1 percent of county construction budgets.
Sustained Support Program
Provides annual support to arts organizations and local arts agencies bringing cultural opportunities to King County citizens.
Cultural Facilities Program
Provides funding for equipment, construction and development.
Cultural Education Program
Awards to arts and heritage organizations for curriculum-based cultural education programs.

Neightborhood Matching Fund
Seattle Department of Neighborhoods
700 3rd Ave., 400 Arctic Building
Seattle, Wash. 98104
Co-sponsors planing, organizing and development of projects done by neighborhood organizations. Projects must benefit one or more Seattle neighborhoods.

Small and Simple Project Fund
Up to $5,000 for projects completed within six months following award.
Semi-annual Cycle
Longer projects that will take place within the calendar year following the award.

911 Media Arts Center
117 Yale Ave. N.
Seattle, Wash. 98109

Fiscal Sponsorship Program
For independent media-makers who want to make the donations to their film or video project. tax-exempt.

PONCHO(Patrons of Northwest Civic, Cultural & Charitable Organizations)
603 Stewart St., Suite 717
Seattle, Wash. 98101
Provides grants to Puget Sound area arts organizations for specified cultural programs and capital projects. PONCHO funding applications are available in early September and due in mid-October of each year.
Also sponsors the Betty Bowen Memorial Award, which is open to emerging artists in all media who live in Washington, Oregon and Idaho. The $7,500 award is administered by the Seattle Art Museum. The annual deadline usually occurs in summer.

Seattle Arts Commission
312 1st Avenue North, Suite 200
Seattle, Wash. 98109-4501
Provides funding and support to artists and organizations for arts services in Seattle.

Arts in Education
Encourages classroom collaborations among artists, teachers and students, examining curricula-related topics. The one deadlines per year usually in March or April, is for projects that occur the following school year.
Arts Organizations Program
Encourages development and presentation of arts events by organizations within the city of Seattle. Accepts applications in four categories: Resident Producing Institutions, Professional Arts Organizations, Community Arts Organizations and Traditional Arts Organizations. Categories have one or two funding deadlines per years.
Diverse Works Program
Encourges cooperation and collaboration between Seattle's largest and mid-sized arts organizations and the city's generative artists in development and presentation of new works. The annual deadline usually occurs in spring.
Public Art Program
Specifies that 1 percent of city capital improvement project funds be set aside for commission, purchase and installation of artworks, either as an integral part of an eligible construction project, or at another public site.
Seattle Artists
Funds development of a new work or works-in-progress by local artists of all disciplines. One annual deadline occurs usually in early summer. Contract amounts are $7,500 or $2,000.

Seattle Foundation
425 Pike Street, Suite 510
Seattle, Wash. 98101-2234
Grants are awarded to organizations working in areas that include: arts/culture/humanities; education; health; human services; environment and public/society benefit.

5th Avenue Theater Endowment Fund
The Seattle Foundation administers the 5th Avenue Endowment Fund on an annual basis. In 1997, the foundation will award grants for the purpose of supporting and expanding exisitng paid internship programs, or for initiating new efforts designed to provide talented individuals with in-house opportunities for paid professional growth.

State of Washington
Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development
906 Columbia St. S.W.
P.O. Box 48300
Olympia, Wash. 98504-8300

Building for the Arts
State grants to local performing arts, arts museum and cultural organizations to help acquire, develop, or make major improvements to their facilities.

Washington Commission for the Humanities
615 2nd Ave., #300
Seattle, Wash. 98104-2200
(206)682-1770 fax(206)682-4158

Grants are available to support projects that have the public presentation of insights gained from the humanities (which include history, literature, philosophy, jurisprudence, ethics, art and music history, folklore, and ethnic studies) as their primary purpose. The creative and performing arts are not eligible for funding unless they are a component of a broader humanities project and serve as a catalyst for discussion and other interpretive endeavors. The WCH grant program is funded through the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Washington State Arts Commission
234 E. 8th Ave.
P.O. Box 42675
Olympia, Wash. 98504-2675
Offers statewide Art in Public Places and artist-in-residence funding, grants and technical assistance.

Arts in Education Program
Artists in Schools:Funds residencies in schools and other educational settings, tours performing artists through the state's public schools, supports mainstage productions for students, and funds collaborative educations projects of arts organizations in the schools.
Arts Curriculum Grants:Helps schools develop their arts curricula by offering grants to public schools/school districts and non-profits working in partnership with their local schools.
Organizational Support Program (OSP)
Provides funding to established arts organizations that provide artistic events, programs or services to Washington citizens, communities, artists or arts organizations and can demonstrate a record of programmatic and administrative stability.
Project Support Program (PSP)
Provides funding to non-profit arts organizations to do artistic events for the general public. Also funds other organizations that do no have artistic missions, but want to do arts projects that involve the general public, such as community service organizations, ethnic associations, civic organizations, or libraries.
Professional Development Assistance Program (PDAP)
A small grant program designed to help artists, arts administrators and volunteers involved with the arts to learn the skills necessary to further their arts career, or to assist their arts organization. Applicants may request up to $300 in matching funds to be used to help with the costs of attending a structured learning session, such as a conference, workshop or seminar. Contact Bitsy Bidwell at (36)586-2421.

Western States Arts Federaton (WESTAF)
236 Montezuma Ave.
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
Offers professional opportunities, fellowships, programs and services for artists and arts organizations.

Tour West
Helps support professional performing arts touring in the western states. Grants up to $2,500 or 50 percent of the artists fee. Contact:
WESTAF Tour West Program
P.O. Box 48065
Denver, Colo. 80248-0765

Wiggly World Studios
1004 Turner Way East
Seattle, WA 98112

WigglyWorld administers several materials grants each year aimed at helping local filmmakers in the production of narrative or documentary films.
Roll Camera: Tools for Production
Funded in part by the King County Arts Commission, Roll Camera is WigglyWorld's primary production grant for FY98. Selection applicants will be granted access to one of WigglyWorld's three production packages for a period of up to 30 days.
Fiscal Sponsorship
WigglyWorld extends their non-profit umbrella and insurance to qualified productions. Applications are accepted on an on-going basis. They also assist in grant research and writing.

Web Sites

Art AtoZ Artist Grants

Graham Foundation

Gunk Foundation Grants for Public Art

Independent Film Grants, Fellowships and Contests

John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation

Kennedy Center Fund for New American Plays

Millard Meiss Publication Fund

National Endowment for the Arts

Pollock-Krasner Foundation: International Grants to Visual Artists

Sherwood Anderson Foundation

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Seattle Public Library, Seattle, Washington, USA
  This compilation copyright ©1998 NW Arts. All rights reserved.
  All images copyright ©1998 Carletta Wilson. All rights reserved. 

Last Revised: 18 July 1998